Tobis Film and usheru Join Forces to Enhance eCommerce Experience for Film Fans

Image with a black background. The usheru logo is in the top left corner over a green circle. Below it is the Tobis logo, also in a green circle. To its right is an image of a computer and a phone showing the Tobis website.

usheru, a leading provider of innovative film marketing solutions, recently announced a partnership with Tobis Film, one of the most prominent film distributors in Germany. The collaboration aims to optimise the ecommerce and discovery journey for film fans through a theatrical showtime widget seamlessly integrated into Tobis Film’s beautiful website.

The partnership came to fruition after Tobis Film recognised the need to enhance their online movie promotion system. While they possessed an impressive film catalogue and a dedicated fan base, their existing solution lacked automation and interactivity. To address this challenge, Tobis Film sought the expertise of usheru, a company renowned for its expertise in automated showtimes and direct ticketing. 


usheru’s Ticketing Widget allows seamless ticket discovery at theaters across Germany directly from Tobis Film’s website. The widget provides a visually attractive design and intuitive functionality, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable eCommerce experience for film fans and encouraging them to return to the website for each new release. 

Max Krumm, Product Manager at Tobis Film, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, saying:

"We are delighted to partner with usheru to optimise the eCommerce journey for our film fans. Their ticketing widget looks and works really well on our website, and their customer service is outstanding too."

Krumm’s testimonial highlights not only the successful implementation of the ticketing widget but also the exceptional level of customer service usheru provided throughout the collaboration. The partnership between Tobis Film and usheru exemplifies their shared commitment to delivering an exceptional film-watching experience for audiences. 

This integration not only streamlines the ticketing process but also maintains the brand consistency and aesthetic appeal of Tobis Film’s website. 

usheru’s expertise in ticketing technology and their focus on enhancing the customer journey has made them a sought-after partner for film distributors and exhibitors. By providing a tailor-made solution for Tobis Film, usheru has once again demonstrated their commitment to revolutionising the film industry.

As usheru and Tobis Film move forward, both companies are eager to witness the positive impact the optimised eCommerce journey will have on film fans. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the effort to enhance the ticketing experience and reinforce the connection between movie distributors and their audiences.

For more information on usheru’s website design and development services, visit
